Amended Return

File again to correct missing or wrong information on your previous tax returns

  • Correct your filing status
  • Report additional income
  • Add or remove deductions or credits
  • Add or remove dependents
  • Claim your refund
amended tax return

You’ve discovered a mistake on your taxes or forgot to claim a big deduction?

You can file again to correct the mistakes or claim additional refund . Filing an Amended Return may not be as difficult as you think, you are not alone, we are here to help you with that.

Who Needs to File an Amended Tax Return?

If any of the following applies to you, you need to amend your tax return.

  • Made a mistake about filing status
  • Received a tax form after you filed ( ex; W-2 or 1099 )
  • Received a corrected statement from your employee, broker or financial institution (ex; W-2C)
  • Forgot to report income
  • Missed deductions or credits you could have claimed
  • Claimed deductions or credits you weren’t eligible for
  • Forgot to claim a dependent you were entitled to
  • Claimed someone as dependent you shouldn’t have

When to file

You should wait until you get your refund or paid your taxes with the original return that you’ve already filed. Make sure you have a copy of your tax return which will be amended.

Three Year Limit to Amend Tax Return

That’s because there’s a three year limit on issuing tax refund checks. This three year period starts from the date you filed your original tax return. If you filed your return before April 15, the three year period begins from April 15th. If you requested an extension, the three year period runs from October 15th

How to file

Amended Tax Returns must be filed on paper and and mailed to your local IRS Service Center.

Please Note: Your state tax liability may be affected by a change made on your federal return.